Paycom x Prairie Knights Casino: Winning Big by Switching Back

The HR team at Prairie Knights Casino realized that switching to Paylocity wasn’t giving them the tools or service they needed. By switching back to Paycom, this casino empowered its team with the HR tech they needed to win. What was at the heart of this transformation? Full-solution automation.

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“Payroll corrections have drastically dropped for us as an organization.”
560-employee company, social services nonprofit
“In our previous payroll system, it would take two days to process payroll. With Paycom, it only takes two hours.”
—HR generalist
credit union
“I need a partner I can trust to get payroll right. That’s where Paycom differentiates itself from the competition.”

Make error-free payroll a reality for your team

No one knows what their pay should be better than your employees. Paycom is the only software that allows them to do their own payroll. A 2023 Forrester Consulting study found it reduced the time to review and correct payroll errors by 85%. No wonder everyone is raving about it.

An HR software company you can trust

Over 1 million 5-star ratings of the Paycom app

TrustRadius Buyers Choice 2025
G2 Leader Winter 2025
G2 Best Results Winter 2025
Paycom products on desktop, tablet and mobile

Others can’t compare to Paycom

Ready to be done with data reentry?

Request a meeting to help you gain an actionable view of what makes Paycom different.

  • User-friendly
  • Real-time analytics
  • Seamless information flow
  • Single system of record
  • Anytime, anywhere access

*A commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Paycom (June 2023). Results are for a composite organization representative of interviewed clients.