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Paycom Celebrates National Payroll Week

Paycom celebrated the 16th annual National Payroll Week (NPW) the week of September 3rd through the 7th in honor of hard working payroll professionals managing paychecks for America’s 156 million wage earners and the payroll professionals who pay them. As a way to celebrate the week and the employees who make Paycom’s success possible, Paycom held an Olympic themed event with daily activities and prizes.

On Monday, September 3rd, Paycom’s offices were closed in honor of Labor Day.

On Tuesday, September 4th, Paycom kicked off the day with their annual Employee Appreciation Breakfast and employees teamed up to participate in the opening ceremony of the Paycom Olympics.

On Wednesday, September 5th, employee teams enjoyed competing in an Olympic themed obstacle course consisting of speed walking, equestrian jumping, swimming, basketball and cycling.

On Thursday, September 6th, employee teams performed a rhythmic gymnastics routine in-front of a panel of judges and held a canned food drive, which resulted in a donation of 3,384 canned food items to the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank. National Payroll Week promotional items were also handed out to employees.

On Friday, September 7th, employees celebrated with a monthly luncheon and the finals of the Paycom Olympics. Employees participated in the closing ceremonies in which the top two rhythmic gymnastics teams performed.   Medals were awarded to the top three teams and prizes were handed out to the team who brought in the most canned goods.

NPW was founded by the American Payroll Association (APA) as a way to celebrate the partnership among American employees, businesses, federal social security and fair labor programs, and the payroll professionals who pay them. Through the payroll system, payroll professionals contribute, collect, report and deposit $1.7 trillion, or about 72 percent, of the U.S. Treasury’s annual revenue.

About Paycom
For 25 years, Paycom Software, Inc. (NYSE: PAYC) has simplified businesses and the lives of their employees through easy-to-use HR and payroll technology to empower transparency through direct access to their data. And thanks to its industry-first solution, Beti®, employees now do their own payroll and are guided to find and fix costly errors before payroll submission. From onboarding and benefits enrollment to talent management and more, Paycom’s software streamlines processes, drives efficiencies and gives employees power over their own HR information, all in a single app. Recognized nationally for its technology and workplace culture, Paycom can now serve businesses of all sizes in the U.S. and internationally.