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Paycom Announces Free Webinar on the Affordable Care Act

Due to complex reporting requirements, the Obama administration delayed implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) shared responsibility requirements, which requires employers with 50 or more full-time equivalent employees to provide adequate and affordable health insurance or pay penalties. The suspension gives businesses more time to implement a benefits administration system capable of mitigating ACA compliance exposure. To help employers across the country make sense of the changes in the ACA regulations, Paycom, a provider of human capital management technology, will host a free webinar – Think Your Business is ACA Compliant?on Thursday, July 25 at 10 a.m. CDT.

The webinar will cover the nuances the ACA poses to both large and small business owners and will help employers determine if their current benefits administration system has the tools necessary to properly and efficiently alleviate ACA exposure.

In addition to covering mandatory ACA features that businesses must already comply with, the webinar will discuss many questions that employers should consider regarding the shared responsibility requirements before the extended deadline of Jan. 1, 2015.

  • What aspects of the ACA are impacted by the delay to 2015?
  • Does my current benefits administration system give me the resources to stay in compliance with the ACA?
  • How can a seamless workflow of benefits, time and attendance, payroll and COBRA reduce exposure to violations associated with administering employee benefits?
  • Am I a large employer and how do I determine if I am a large employer?
  • Must I notify employees of marketplaces if I already offer affordable insurance?
  • Do I have the proper tools to notify my employees of health care exchanges?
  • Do I have proper reporting capabilities?

Join Paycom and its panel of ACA experts on Thursday, July 25 at 10 a.m. CDT, to determine if your business is set for ACA compliance and learn how Paycom’s proprietary software and single login solution stand above its competitors in regards to ACA compliance. Click here or visit to register.

Disclaimer: The content of the webinar is intended to keep interested parties informed of legal and industry developments for education purposes only. It is not intended as legal opinion or tax advice and should not be regarded as a substitute for legal or tax advice.

About the author
Author picture, Jason Bodin
Jason Bodin
Jason Bodin has been the communications pulse for a number of organizations, including Paycom, where he serves as director of public relations and corporate communications. He helped launch Paycom’s blog, webinar platform and social media channels. He aided in the development of Paycom’s tool to assist organizations in complying with the Affordable Care Act, one of the largest changes in health care the country has seen. A graduate of the University of Oklahoma, Bodin previously worked for ESPN and Fox Sports. In his free time, he enjoys adventuring with his family, reading and strengthening his business acumen.