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Easier Open Enrollment in 3 Steps

Learn how to adjust, simplify and streamline your open enrollment process.

Download our guide to learn how to transform open enrollment.

  • Only about 1 in 5 insured Americans automatically reenroll in their health plans.

  • It’s HR’s responsibility to set goals, measure success and adapt open enrollment for success in the future.

  • HR should communicate to employees about open enrollment before the enrollment window opens.

  • Paycom’s Benefits Administration tool streamlines open enrollment and eliminates the need for repetitive, manual data entry.

Most employees want to consciously choose and understand their benefits. In fact, just 1 in 5 insured Americans were automatically enrolled in their health plans, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

In other words, employees care about their options. And it’s HR’s responsibility to help ensure their people can make a choice with confidence. Failing to connect workers with the benefits they need could compromise their overall happiness and connection with their workplace.

This guide explores three actionable ways to deliver a fluid and simple open enrollment that you can easily adapt year after year. It explains the importance of setting goals and how to continually enhance the process for future iterations.

We’ll also examine how proactive communication helps HR get ahead of rampant employee concerns and questions. The guide provides examples of common inquiries so you can better prepare your team to answer. You’ll also learn how to prepare for more difficult conversations, such as what to say to employees if premiums rise.

Finally, you’ll see how preparation paired with the right self-service HR software makes it easier for employees to research their options and see the impact their choices have on payroll in real time. HR can also use tools to automatically communicate with carriers and reduce the risk of COBRA violations and other compliance risks.

To learn more, download the Easier Open Enrollment in 3 Steps guide.

Download our guide to learn how to transform open enrollment.

  • Only about 1 in 5 insured Americans automatically reenroll in their health plans.

  • It’s HR’s responsibility to set goals, measure success and adapt open enrollment for success in the future.

  • HR should communicate to employees about open enrollment before the enrollment window opens.

  • Paycom’s Benefits Administration tool streamlines open enrollment and eliminates the need for repetitive, manual data entry.