A Hire Purpose: Build a Thriving Culture for Millennials
HR Break Room1.0 X
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Guest Host:
Adam Smiley Poswolsky, Author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough
According to Pew research, in 2015, the millennial labor force surpassed Generation X as the largest in the workforce. Understanding their needs will be critical in motivating and retaining the employees of today and the future.
Adam Poswolsky, author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough, joins HR Break Room® for a special two-part conversation to discuss the needs and demands of millennials in today’s workplace.
In part one of this HR Break Room conversation, you will learn:
- the importance of creating a purpose-driven millennial work culture
- why it’s better to create a transparent workplace environment that’s open to new ideas
- how easy-to-use technology is essential to attracting and retaining the very best millennial workers