It's an Office, Not a Theater: Managing Workplace Drama
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Guest Host:
Cy Wakeman, Author of New York Times best-seller The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace
Workplace drama can be an expensive distraction in your workforce. According to Cy Wakeman’s book No Ego, employees spend nearly three hours each workweek on drama, which costs organizations millions in lost time. Navigating especially toxic office dynamics can be a challenge, even for the best managers. How can HR assist leadership in creating policy that sets the foundation for a drama-free culture?
In today’s HR Break Room® discussion with special guest Cy Wakeman, author of The New York Times’ best-seller The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace, you will learn:
- how much workplace drama actually costs an organization
- the five key sources of office drama
- how company leadership and HR can work together to strategically minimize workplace drama